Friday, July 9, 2010

well this post-engineering and pre-joining period has given me a lot of lonely time..suddenly i realize that i have left 100 years of my life back in college..this poem is for all those sleepless nights, when you are so scared that everything would fall try to sleep but all sorts of weird, useless things go through your see negativity all around and then as a friend of mine says, count the sheep..i asked her "why count the sheep?". well, she replied, you'll soon be tired of counting and will drift off to sleep..

i'm on the floor
counting the clock ticking a minute more
no one to break the silence

staring into the night
all alone, but that's alright
it's feeling deep inside that i don't like

those incomplete sentences of your's
linger through my head
and i wonder if you had said instead

i suddenly turn to the other side
wish my emotions had to never hide
but i realize the journey has been beautiful too
unsaid words have meanings too

some day the dream will come true
silence would no longer exist
actions and emotions will be through
it will be just me and you....

PS-i don't need to count sheep anymore:)..usually my worries end before i sleep, or else i get a message afterwards..:)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


well, i am a very bad poet and the things that i write are merely a kind of reflection of my feelings.i am a very expressive person. i love telling the people whom i love that i love them. i believe that it gives an immense satisfaction to know that there is somebody out there who loves you, cares for you and will always be there for you. so be generous and letting others know what they mean to you. after all you never know, when will the clock strike the merciless time which wont ever give you an oppurtunity to tell your loved ones how much you feel for them.

Expressions speak a thousand words

It might be a simple smile making a mother to ease,

Watching her infant sneeze…

It might lie in a father’s pride,

Watching his son’s 1st bicycle ride….

It’s in tears of a 5 year old crying,

For a broken Barbie doll….

It’s in the joy of a 8 yr old,

Making his paper plane fly….

It’s in the blush on the cheeks of a 14yr old,

On a crush on a guy she saw on the other side of the road…

It’s in the amazement in the eyes of a 16yr old,

Grasping every beauty he could behold….

Let me tell you a tale of a 19yr old,

Who expresses every feeling she holds,

Be it a simple smile for the maid who works,

Or a look of sympathy for the guard standing in sun,

Be it her joy in celebrating her friends birthdays,

Or screaming out aloud on a giant wheel….

Some say it’s her strength,

Some say it’s her weakness…

But she believes..

Some words are better left unsaid,

However feelings inside should be shown,

Before It’s too late….


Saturday, January 3, 2009

'I' and 'me'

This is the story of ‘ I’ and ‘me’, together ‘we’

‘We’ are best friends..

Wonder if ‘I’ still thinks that way,

Anyways ‘I’ and ‘me’ started this way….

We fought, we laughed

We cared without any thought…

And as clock ticked away

We got deeply engrossed

In each others melodies and melancholies

Time flew by…..



This time the river had a different intention…

Wonder what made it think that it could blend into sea

They say you cannot run away from the world…..

Then why was it always ‘I’ who saw something in my eyes

In the eyes of people ‘we’ were merely two friends

May be it was me who got  seeing ‘I’ through different eyes…

The moment ‘I’ touched me…

‘me’ lost all resistance,

‘me’ knows it was probably not meant to be…

But ‘me’ loved it..

For a moment it made ‘me’ believe

Moonlight could also be mine through the sieve

Then, ‘me’ turned to see

If the moonlight ‘me’ borrowed was through

And if I’ll be still there holding you..

The dream did not last long enough…


Today as’ me’ wakes up, ‘me’ is shattered….

Lost in my own thoughts…

Struggling for my own answers..

I wonder what this feeling is…

Maybe I’m brainless, may be I’m wise…

Its only ‘I’ who could read my eyes

This feeling so uncertain,yet so subtle..

Fresh yet with a little of its charm…

I do not wonder anymore..

‘I’ and ‘me’ are still there..

Things have changed..

But ‘I’ still sparkles my life every single day

‘me’ wake up with a dream unfinished

And ‘me’ sleep with a wish unfulfilled….